Life Is Strange 2 Will Be Pulled From All Platforms In Australia from this Wednesday

Time: 2019-09-10

Life is Strange 2 will be removed from Australian digital storefronts, according to the official Life is Strange Twitter account from this Wednesday. This move has been prompted by the Australian Classification Board: it's currently reviewing the game's age ratings. Australia's classification system has struck again, although thankfully this time it's not a full ban. This is set to take a few weeks. Already installed LiS2 content will not be removed from your device during this period and will still be playable.
Life Is Strange 2 Will Be Pulled From All Platforms In Australia from this Wednesday
Here's the full statement:
"Heads up for Australian digital store customers. LifeisStrange2 will be unavailable to purchase on ALL platforms as well as re-download on PS4 for approximately 2 weeks from Wednesday onwards, while we work with the Australian age ratings board (ACB) to review age ratings," the Twitter account explained.
"This situation is temporary and only affects Australian digital storefronts. We will restore service asap and will keep you updated with any developments. Already installed LiS2 content will not be removed from your device during this period and will still be playable.September 9, 2019"
As a result, the unavailability will only last for "approximately" two weeks. Life Is Strange 2's first episode is rated M15+, according to the Classification Board, meaning it's not age-restricted. It’s unclear exactly why the game needs to have its rating adjusted, but it's speculated that it's most likely due to the game having partial nudity in Episode 3. 
Life is Strange 2's fourth episode launched last month and the final episode is currently scheduled to come out on December 3rd.

Life Is Strange 2  Life Is Strange 2 News  Life Is Strange 2 Steam