EA Access Is Coming To PS4 This July

Time: 2019-06-29

After years of saying it couldn't offer "good value," SONY is finally allowing EA's subscription service on PlayStation 4. Starting on July 24, EA Access will officially arrive on the PS4 for all interested users to try.
EA Access Is Coming To PS4 This July
EA Access PS4 Release Date
EA confirmed the July 24 launch date via this new page on its website. On launch, users on the Sony platform will have access to the Origin/EA Access games’ library, participate in the company's exclusive 10-hour free trials, as well as receive varying discounts on full games and DLC. The new webpage also includes a timer which ticks down to the PS4 EA Access launch date in real-time. If you’d rather not follow the timer, the page also allows users to sign up for launch notifications via email.
EA Access offers two different subscription options. Users can either pay $5 per month or $30 for a yearly subscription. Those who subscribe to EA Access unlock a number of digital benefits, all involving EA's vast library of games. For starters, subscribers can download and play any game that's included in the 'EA Access Vault.' The vault includes older games like Titanfall 2 and Mass Effect: Andromeda alongside newer releases like Battlefield V and FIFA 18.
A universal 10 percent discount on all digital EA games, DLC, and in-game purchases
Early access 'Play First' trials for new and upcoming games. These trials typically allow subscribers to play up to 10 hours of a game ahead of its public release.
While it hasn't been confirmed, there's a good chance that Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will come to EA Access. Sony also recently mentioned how it will be making a stronger push for PlayStation Now in the near future.
What do yo think? Are you glad to have the extra option to subscribe to EA Access, or are you good with just using PlayStation Plus? 

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