Destiny 2's Menagerie Chest Bug Will Be Removed in July 9

Time: 2019-06-29

The Menagerie is recently introduced to Destiny 2 with Season of Opulence. It's a 6-player matchmade activity with exclusive loot pool of weapons. "When Season of Opulence began, we watched as players quickly discovered a bug in how the Menagerie's final chest granted rewards." In This Week at Bungie, they announced that they will be patching this loophole where players raced out of the area and went back to the chest to farm weapons until the timer runs out.
Destiny 2's Menagerie Chest Bug Will Be Removed in July 9
However, as Bungie announced in a blog post today, this glitch is getting the axe. The Destiny 2 Menagerie chest glitch will be removed on Tuesday, July 9. Afterward, you'll only get to loot the chest once per completion. 
I fully understand the Destiny 2 studio's decision; We just shouldn't get our loot so easily. At the same time, losing this glitch can also hurt. We've been robbing at 80 miles per hour for a month, so slowing it down to 10 will have some impact.
There is still a fair amount of time from now until July 9, so if you want that god roll Imperial Decree you better start farming ASAP. The Menagerie will still be fun and worth doing after the patch, and it'll still be a much better grind than something like the Reckoning, but you should definitely take advantage of this glitch and, as Bungie said, grow fat from strength.  

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